viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

In my kitchen December

OMG, December is here.
I have to begin cooking.
Just for fun, just for LOVE.
My dear ones deserve some sweet goodies as every other Christmas before.
A nice bag full of cookies, little cakes, panettone and muffins.

But now in my kitchen....
After a visit to the greengrocers....

With some ripe bananas and yoghurt:
Banana icecreams
Baking for Christmas:

Coconut cake

A nice gift from my daughter after her championship at Omán:
Dates, I love them.
Is there any yummy recipe to use them?
Dates from Omán

Socks for my son, he´s travelling to London on february

A new pair of socks
From now on lot of things ´ld be happening in my kitchen.
Wait for my next IMK post!

If you want, take a peek at others kitchens thanks to dear Celia hosting the IMK posts from all over the world.

Thanks for visiting.
See you soon my dears.

November days

Just a few words to let you know what I´m at....
Unas pocas palabras para contarles en que ando.

Last month I had my birthday party, family and friends, good food and nice talk.
El mes pasado festejé mi cumple con la familia, amigas, buena comida y linda charla.

My mother, my granddaughter and me

 Now, as usual, baking bread.
Ahora y para no perder la costumbre, amasando pan.

Thinking about cookies, stollen and other baking goodies  just for Christmas.
También pensando en masitas, stollens y otras delicias horneadas para Navidad.

Some knitting...
I decided to knit some Christmas presents, I don´t know if I ´ld finish in time  but I´ll try.
Algo de tejido.
Decidí tejer regalos navideños, no sé si lograré terminarlos, veremos...

At the office is closing time too. We have paperwork to finish, schools to visit etc etc.
En la oficina es tiempo de cierre también. Hay papeleo que terminar, escuelas que visitar etc etc.

See you soon with an IMK post.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

In my kitchen November

 In my kitchen .....November

This happens when you forget your sourdough all night!!!!

Some presents for my eldest baby living in Spain....sweets, a beanie and socks.

Out of my roses and petunias at full bloom.

A new handwork, ready to learn how to embroidered, following an  e-course: 

 Clemente, Mafalda´s baby:

That´s all folks!!
Follow the amazing  Celia and take a peek in kitchens all over the world.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Busy, busy October

Since October began, there was a lot going on at home.
A new movie on Saturday night.

A family gathering just for fun on Sunday. Tea, cakes and bread.

A weekend spent in Pehuajo. A rural community, 360 km from Buenos Aires.

Famous writer and composer, Maria Elena Walsh wrote her song "Manuelita". Here it´s a city tribute to this famous child character. A statue of the turtle Manuelita ".... who lived in Pehuajo but someday she left it.....".

Pehuajo´s church, San Anselmo.

And now, back in Buenos Aires, with new recipes to cook.....

Toasted coconut cookies from a blog I follow

And some bread because the freezer is empty!!!

And last but not least, here in Argentina on Sunday it´s Mother´s Day, so...... barbecue, desserts and family. Yuppi!!!!!!!!
See you soon my friends.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

In my kitchen....October

It´s officially Spring here, but the weather is nasty. It´s cold, windy and rainy.

The kitchen is still the place to  look for warm and comfort food.

So, it´s a pleasure to visit kitchens all over the world including my own kitchen!!!

Wonderful idea from Celia.

In my kitchen this month.....

A yummy tangerine cake. New recipe.

In my kitchen....

Chocolate treats from my Ravelry invisible friend.

In my kitchen......

First batch of strawberry jam.

In my kitchen.......

Knitting as always. My gift for my invisible friend in Ravelry.

Last but not least, a cake for a star, my grandchild 2nd birthday.
Not my kitchen, not my cake but a wonderful one made with LOVE . 
Her mummy made it!

Thanks for visiting friends!!!

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

An Olympic dream/ Un sueño olímpico

My post today isn´t about knitting or cooking or my daily routine....No!

It´s about a dream.

The dream of young men who love sports and sailing first of all.
Young men who left their country, their families, their routine.... following a dream. Not an easy dream. A very big and difficult one.

It´s a challenge.
An Olympic dream!

Please I ask you all to pay attention to them.
Take some minutes of your time and enter this link:
Support an Olympic dream!
Just by sharing the link you´ll be contributing to make this dream come  true.

Mi post de hoy no es sobre tejidos o cocina o mi rutina diaria....No!

Es acerca de un sueño.

El sueño de varios jovenes que aman el deporte y la navegación por encima de todo.
Chicos jovenes que dejaron su país, su hogar, sus amigos, sus rutinas para perseguir un sueño.
No es uno fácil. Es más bien grande y difícil.

Todo un desafío.
Un sueño olímpico!
Simplemente les pido que se tomen unos minutos y entren a este link:
Con sólo compartirlo ya estarán poniendo su granito de arena para que ese sueño se haga realidad.

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

In my kitchen.....September

In my kitchen, is a wonderful idea from Celia.
I love the opportunity she give us, to peek in other kitchens from all over the world, to  learn new recipes, to know new countries, cultures and people.

In my kitchen, es una idea genial de Celia.
Amo la oportunidad que nos da de chusmear en cocinas ajenas, aprender nuevas recetas, conocer países, culturas y a su gente.

Last month I went to visit my eldest, as you know she lives in Mijas (Málaga, Spain).
As always (OMG! why I carry the camera but I forget it in my bag every time I need it!) I took no pictures,but I did my best to enjoy spanish food.

El mes pasado fui a visitar a mi hija mayor, como ya saben vive en Mijas, España.
Como siempre no saqué ni una foto. Por qué será que llevo la cámara y la olvido en lo profundo de mi cartera...
Pese a no sacar fotos, hice todo lo posible para disfrutar de la cocina española.

I ate lots of seafood: "paella", "gambas" etc, etc.

Comí cantidades increíbles de pescados, mariscos, paella, etc, etc.

But IKEA is my paradise.
I visit it every time I go to Ceci´s house. Obviously there are things that I cann-t carry in my luggage, but.....I can buy small gadgets for my kitchen!

Pero mi paraíso es IKEA.
Me doy una vuelta cada vez que visito a Ceci. Obviamente no puedo cargar en mi valija la mayoría de las cosas que venden ahí, pero siempre me las arreglo para comprar pequeños elementos para mi cocina y el resto de la casa!

And here they are:

Measuring cups 

spatula and brush

Fried onions

Sweets treats/Tarifa old city 

IKEA mini market

Not at all in my kitchen but in my heart remained the good moments we enjoyed together: eating, shopping, talking or simply at the beach or by the pool.
Tarifa old city
Thanks Ceci and Martin for a wonderful time. I love you both!

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

In my kitchen, August 2015

"In my kitchen" is a wonderful idea from Celia. An amazing baker, cook and blogger from Sidney; Australia.
Every month, people from all over the world show their kitchens, their goodies, their recipes and their love for good food.
So, join us!!! It´s fun!

"En mi cocina" es una idea maravillosa de Celia. Una cocinera y bloggera increíble que desde Sidney; Australia, convoca todos los meses a bloggers de todo el mundo a mostrar sus cocinas, sus recetas y sus chiches culinarios preferidos.
Los invito a entrar y a divertirse.
El único requisito es amar la comida y cocinar.......o simplemente amar la comida y chusmear en cocinas ajenas. Vengan!!!!!  
Aquí les dejo el link: In my kitchen

Si tienen ganas me mandan un comentario con el link de las de ustedes y las posteo.....

Y ahora sí:

In my kitchen .......

Sea salt plus black pepper and sea salt plus curry. Ideal for meat, chicken etc, from Falabella store

In my kitchen .....  a jar of homemade "zapallo en almíbar" (pumpkin in syrup???) from Villa Giardino (Córdoba) a gift from my daughter Paula.

In my kitchen.... "dulce de leche", caramel  made by pupils from an Agriculture School, here in Argentina.

In my kitchen..... a lovely candle holder, gift from my dearest friend, Susan.

Just for fun, join Celia and take a peek in other kitchens!
See you soon.

Nos vemos pronto.
Que tengan un lindo fin de semana!!!!

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Vacaciones de invierno...winter holidays!

Just enjoying my winter holidays!!
Days are cloudy and foggy but nevertheless I ´m happy.
Disfrutando mi semana de vacaciones.
Los días son nublados y neblinosos pero estoy chocha.

At home I knit while I watch tv or Netflix.
Last movie was :

Me quedo en casa tejiendo mientras miro la tele o Netflix.
La última película fue ésta.

I meet dear friends that usually I have no time to see.
Me encuentro con amigos que no veo usualmente durante el año....

Lunch in a cozy, healthy, vegan restaurant: Hierbabuena
Almuerzos en lugares nuevos. Aquí, Hierbabuena, un resto en San Telmo de comida saludable y abundante, además de rica.

 I had time with my eldest grandchild, visiting "La Rural", a sort of Farm Market but bigger!
 Tiempo de paseo con nieto mayor.

And having delicious naps from time to time, not my usual kind of thing!
Y alguna que otra siesta....nada usual para mí!

See you soon my friends.
Hasta pronto.