viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

On my mind... En mi mente

Una foto como cierre de la semana de regreso de vacaciones......

Regreso a casa!!! Los sombreros de playa vuelven a su lugar, las cuentas a pagar nos esperan y el pequeño pesbre nos conforta.
Buen fin de semana para todos.

2 comentarios:

  1. glad you had a great weekend...if that indeed is what you've said. I know only un poco, poco Spanish, so I may have it wrong. Hope this week is a great one for you...thanks for sharing your "on my mind"!

  2. Dmarie:
    If you want you can translate with google. I haven´t enough time to write the blog in both Spanish and English.
    Nice to meet you and hoping you come back!!!
