viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Long weekend

Just a long,.. long weekend here in Argentina.
It´s Flag´s Day so here we are, at home, enjoying the free days!!!
The weather is hard. It´s cold outside.. but there is a glorious sun and no wind so.....

Yesterday we went to the cinema: "The big wedding" with amazing actors and actresses like Susan Sarandon, Diane Keaton, Robert De Niro...
El Gran Casamiento

The film is a comedy and we (my two friends and I) had a wonderful time. Then after the movie, a stop at Starbucks to have coffee, muffins and cookies. Some shop windowing and then back home.

Today we have planned to visit Kansas, a famous restaurant in the outskirts of the city, just in San Isidro, eat their famous ribbs and then a walking tour by the neighbourghood.
Pics coming soon!!!

Coming home just in time to prepare dinner because DD and DSL and future baby are coming.
The menu????? mmmm I don´t know... I´m thinking about it....

Easy chocolate cake

Banana´s cake 

Some baking in the morning: banana´s cake and a chocolate one from recipes.

Saturday and Sunday....??? we´ll see, Buenos Aires is a great city, full of free activities and with an intense cultural life so we have plenty to choose, only give me some time to make up my mind ok???

How is your weekend being??????

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola Ale! Qué buen programa de finde! Mi marido de viaje y yo en casa intentando poner orden, cocinando para la semana y un poco fiaqueando...
    Leí tu post anterior y creo que la clave es la interacción, hacer conocer tus cosas con tus comentarios y con invitaciones a ver algo en particular... Es como en la vida, los vínculos se construyen... Dan trabajo! :)
    No te olvides de avisarme si se reunen con lo de Raverly.
    Un abrazo

  2. Gracias por comentar y por los consejitos!!!!!
    No te preocupes apenas salga reunión de Ravelry te aviso.
    Vos acordate que quiero aprender a coser en la SINGER!!
