domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Back at home ........ Ya en casa.....

El jueves volví de España.
On Thursday I came back home, from Spain.

Fueron unos días muy especiales, disfruté de mi hija mayor, paseamos, cocinamos, nos reímos y fuimos de shopping juntas.
There were very special days, I enjoyed my eldest kid, we cooked together, we went on errands, we walked the dog  ( a sweet Labrador, call Astor), we laughed from old family stories, we went on shopping etc, etc, etc.

Como siempre, el regreso, dejarla a miles de kilómetros es duro, pero las dos sabemos, que pronto nos volveremos a ver, mientras tanto, tenemos skype, whatsapp y todo lo que internet ofrece!

As always, coming back, leaving her thousand of miles away is hard, but we both know that in a few months we´ll be together again, meanwhile, there is internet, skype and whatsapp!

Ahora, recuperada del jetlag, voy organizando la casa, las comidas, el trabajo.
Now, just recovered from jetlag I´m organizing meals for the week, office work etc.

Esta mañana horneé pan, galletitas, hice un flan y preparé yoghurt.
This morning I baked bread, cookies, I made pudding and I prepared yoghurt.

Paso a paso voy retornando a las rutinas.
Step by step I come back to my routines.

Que empiecen bien la semana!
Have a nice week!


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