viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

In my kitchen December

OMG, December is here.
I have to begin cooking.
Just for fun, just for LOVE.
My dear ones deserve some sweet goodies as every other Christmas before.
A nice bag full of cookies, little cakes, panettone and muffins.

But now in my kitchen....
After a visit to the greengrocers....

With some ripe bananas and yoghurt:
Banana icecreams
Baking for Christmas:

Coconut cake

A nice gift from my daughter after her championship at Omán:
Dates, I love them.
Is there any yummy recipe to use them?
Dates from Omán

Socks for my son, he´s travelling to London on february

A new pair of socks
From now on lot of things ´ld be happening in my kitchen.
Wait for my next IMK post!

If you want, take a peek at others kitchens thanks to dear Celia hosting the IMK posts from all over the world.

Thanks for visiting.
See you soon my dears.

4 comentarios:

  1. Who love's coconut cake? Me, that's who! Lovely IMK post.

    1. Come! Visit us!
      A lovely cup of tea and cake are waiting for you!

  2. Love the coconut cake! The watermelon looks delicious as well.

  3. It wouldn't be Christmas without watermelon!
